Save the Introduction

Oh, boy. Here we go again. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've tried to revive my blogging career. It's painful to think of how many bios and intros I've written over the years to welcome very small waves of family and friends to resuscitated web domains. So I'm just going to save the introduction and just get started here, if that's alright with you.

Disclaimer: I actually do have a couple weeks worth of posts backed-up here that are scheduled to release every couple of days or every week (depends on how I'm feeling). But I assure you, I have enough content to keep you interested at least for a couple of weeks (I hope).

I think it's always awkward trying to figure out how to start a blog. Since we're avoiding introductions and jumping right in here, the question begs to be asked: "What do we even talk about?" I mean, it's not like I'm a fashion blogger or a wealthy traveler with no responsibilities other than exploring. I don't have any music to release (yet). So let's just keep it simple and talk about the hardest kind of introduction there is in real life in the world--social interaction.

We all know how easy it is to find a stranger you admire on social media and comment "Love this!" or "So cool!" And then that's it. They may like your comment or respond with gratitude, but for the most part that conversation is over. Believe me, I am drawing from actual comments I have written today. This kind of surface-level, undoubtedly sincere introduction bleeds into our face-to-face social interactions because we know that people respond well to compliments. Nice blouse! "Thanks! I got it on sale for $x at target!" So cool! Aaaand that's it.

This tells me something: We love to connect with one another, and we certainly know to start with flattery. But to carry that conversation on into something engaging, sincere, honest, and actually meaningful takes courage. It takes courage because vulnerability is frightening. Being honest about what you're really going through is awkward. Anxiety is a thing when sincerity starts to turn into shame in our own heads. Because of all of this, we leave it at "Love this!" and "So cool!"

Granted, you can't have lengthy, pithy life-altering exchanges with everyone you meet. We can't forget that trust is certainly a factor when it comes to divulging anything intimate about ourselves. But I think that this generation of social media consumers are crying out for authenticity. We are begging to be heard and to be known, while we are afraid to hear and to know. Perhaps its time to save the introductions and start digging into the chapters and verses of each other's lives. And it starts with us.

Maybe it's time for me to be a little more of an open book. Ask me anything, I will tell you the truth to the best of my insecure ability. But this isn't just me wanting to be heard. Let's hear your stories, your victories, and your blunders. We can be done with flatteries and shallow introductions. I want to know how you're doing. 

I am a product of undeserved grace. Wildly disobedient at heart, I was delivered by the Savior of the world who offered me mercy and adoption into His eternal Kingdom. My past doesn't just end with "Yayyyy! Jesus saved me!" The life that follows after Christ is a life of discomfort, struggle, and war; but it is also a life of everlasting joy, peace, victory, and all the things far too wonderful to list. When you wage war against darkness by joining the light, you know that there is going to be a fight. That being said, I have failed since. I have failed A LOT. I can't blame anyone else for all the acts of rebellion I have committed against a perfectly good God. I take full responsibility for every bout of complacency, falling-away, and Pharisaic living that I have ever had since giving my life to Christ. The beauty of it all is that He gives me grace time and time again. I return, and He welcomes me, learning later that He was drawing me to Himself all along. And all of this is why it's okay for me to be vulnerable about my shortcomings---He's not finished with me yet.

So yeah, ask me about how I'm doing if you really want to know past how much I spent on this blouse, and I will be honest with you. But something you need to know about vulnerability is that it has to begin with honesty not just to yourself, but before God. Let's be honest, when you come out of the gate telling the whole world about your darkest shame and raw feelings, people get scared. Christ invites us to lay our burdens down, all of us who are weary and heavy laden with all of our striving and upkeep of appearances. His arms are open and He is lovingly leaning in to hear our deepest thoughts, gravest failures, secret wickedness, paralyzing fears, current struggles, crippling doubt, etc. All of the things that are hard to verbalize, lay them down. Scream non-words to Him if you have to, He'll understand. Wrestle with Him if you need to punch something out, He can take a hit. In fact, He took scourging, the Cross, and the grave for you. I can assure you, the Creator of the universe who holds all things together by the Word of His power can handle it.

Start with God. As you recognize the Author and Finisher of your story of faith, then share it with the world. Tell the world about the One who gives you hope. Tell the world your unfinished story, not what they want to hear and not what would make you sound 3x cooler. Tell the world the Gospel and how you were somehow granted mercy to be a partaker of it.

I don't know who is reading this, but I love you. Change the world around you, but be willing to change first. Oh, and still be yourself, you know? Change but stay true. Know the difference and keep being awesome.

Also, here's a video that has helped me be a less-awful human: